We do a lot of play with piercings, and sometimes use this style of play to create artistic images. While the final image often looks beautiful, the bottom in these scenes has been pierced over and over, and has to endure a lot. Our S/m dynamics make this style of play idea for us, although it is very time consuming.
We don’t have any workshop offerings specifically on corset piercing play, but the essential elements are covered in our Advanced Piercing Play class, as well as our Overly Attached class. For private lessons or sessions specifically on corset piercing. please contact us.

All types of piercing play carry risks, and so we feel strongly that this should only be done by people with sufficient knowledge of piercing play, using sterile body safe materials and medical grade supplies. Our workshops have a large focus on safety, including antiseptic techniques, equipment selection, risk management and dealing with emergencies.
All piercings shown on this page were done using EO sterilized piercing needles, autoclaved surgical steel captive bead rings, sterile lube, and surgical skin prep.

We enjoy this play because of the creativity involved, the patience and dedication needed by all of us, and the endurance required from the bottom in the scene. We always welcome the opportunity to share our knowledge or collaborate with others,