Saline play is the practice of using sterile medical saline solution to inflate parts of the body. It is commonly done to breasts and scrotum, but we also will do this to lips, labia, or other parts of the body. The effects last from one to several hours, depending on the body part. Typically we see it last for 4-12 hours on breasts, 2-8 hours on scrotum, and 1-2 hours on lips or labia. These times vary from person to person, and seem to be affected also by how well hydrated our partner is.

This is an advanced type of medical play, and we strongly suggest that only those who have received proper training do it, and always using medical grade supplies intended for use on humans. Improper technique or non sterile materials could result in an infection that may be life threatening. Even with the best techniques and supplies, there are still risks. It is important that everyone involved fully understand those risks before consenting to engage in this type of play.
We do not provide instructional text or videos, and will only show this in workshops where we know that all participants have a sufficient base knowledge to understand the risks and complexities of this type of play. Usually we will only teach this in private classes or sessions, contact us for more information.

We always perform this play using sterile medical saline solution purchased from an authorized medical supplier, with sterile administration sets, needles, syringes and using surgical skin prep. We never use veterinary grade supplies or materials, that is beyond our risk profile.
As a top, I find great satisfaction in the ability to temporarily modify the appearance of my partner. It fits well with objectification and dollification play. Most people find it painful to receive as well, so that are S/m aspects to this play as well.